Galobank in English

Business model

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Business model #

Our business model has every chance of being scalable over time with the following planned scope:

  • Easily open an account in other countries.
  • National and international transfers.
  • Issue payment methods within the VISA franchise (only prepaid at first).
  • Manage online purchases with maximum safety.
  • Withdraw cash anywhere in the world. 
  • Transnational payment and cashing services for Pymes.

And with the following business vectors which meet the requirements of this concept:

“Finances integrated with agility, technological effectiveness and security”.

Young adults, millennials, familiar with the digital world and interested in the Crypto/DEFI opportunity. They are concerned with growth, economic success and money profitability.

Centralized and decentralized financial services.

Scalable global project by countries/sectors.

Simplicity, agility, safety and integration.

Public image
Focused on financial education as a means to bring them into the banking system and facilitate the social and financial inclusion of individuals.

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