Galobank in English

Communication with a node

Communication with a node #

Through RPC requests in JSON format you will obtain results for the queries made.

Balances #

// Check balances of a specific wallet

curl -X POST –data ‘{“jsonrpc”:”2.0″,”method”:”eth_getBalance”,”params”:[“0x1010101010101010101010101010101010101010”, “latest”],”id”:1}’ localhost:8545

An operating node is required to query any type of operator information.

Galo peers list

This will reveal a list of libp2p addresses that are currently peers of the running customer. Peers status.

To find out the status of a specific peer, run:

Galo peers status –peer-id

The address parameter is the libp2p address of the peer. IBFT Information

Many times, the operator may want to know about the status of the operating node in the IBFT consensus.

Fortunately, the Polygon Edge provides an easy way to find this information.


Running the following command reveals the latest snapshot.

Galo ibft snapshot

To query the snapshot at a specific height (block number), the operator can run

Galo ibft snapshot –num


To get the latest information about candidates, the operator can run

Galo ibft candidates

This command queries the current set of suggested candidates, as well as any candidates that have not yet been included Status

The following command reveals the current validator key of the running IBFT customer:

Galo ibft status

Set of transactions

To find out the current number of transactions in the transaction pool, the operator can run

Galo txpool status

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